
DHBs under pressure: How health insurance can help

There is nothing like a pandemic to highlight how close to their limits many of our district health boards (DHBs) operate.

When Covid-19 first arrived in New Zealand, it wasn’t long before we were hearing that our hospitals, and intensive care units, might really struggle to keep up with the sort of caseload that other countries had experienced. 

When Delta swept across the country in the second half of 2021, more than 100,000 procedures and specialist appointments had to be cancelled.

While the coronavirus outbreak is an extreme example, public health services have been under pressure for a long time. And in this environment, having your own health insurance policy is increasingly important.

Read on to learn about the key benefits.

You can choose when you have treatment

Relying on the public system often means long waiting lists. And sometimes, these delays can significantly affect your quality of life. When you have health cover, you can book your treatments sooner with private health providers rather than wait for treatment in the public healthcare system. In other words, you’re more in control of when you receive care.

You can have more say in who treats you

Health insurance will allow you some discretion as to who you have providing your treatment. While some insurers have preferred providers, there is still usually some leeway allowed in deciding which you’ll use. 

This means you can work with a treatment provider who is near you or can fit into your schedule rather than having to travel to one who is assigned to you in the public system.

You can often stay ahead of your problems

When you’re relying on the public system for your health treatment, you usually must meet certain criteria to qualify for specific appointments – including diagnostic procedures like scans and other tests.

If you are using your health insurance in the private system, you may be able to request tests that you might not yet otherwise be able to access. This means you may determine what treatment you need more quickly.

The New Zealand public health system is great at treating emergencies, but if your condition is not immediately life-threatening, even if it affects your life, you can end up waiting – particularly in times when the system is under strain.

Like to talk?

We are health insurance experts and can help you to determine what cover could be a good fit for you and your family. Whatever your health cover needs are, we can help. Get in touch today. 

Disclaimer: Please note that the content provided in this article is intended as an overview and as general information only. While care is taken to ensure accuracy and reliability, the information provided is subject to continuous change and may not reflect current developments or address your situation. Before making any decisions based on the information provided in this article, please use your discretion and seek independent guidance.