
How walking can benefit you

Forget expensive workout equipment – a simple walk may deliver a lot more health benefits than you think.

For most of us, walking is something we do without thinking much about it. But popping on your walking shoes and striding out your front door can give you a physical and mental payoff.

Here are five great benefits of going for a walk, according to experts.

You’ll improve your physical fitness

You don’t need to go for an all-out sprint to get the fitness benefits of moving. Ministry of Health data shows regular walking can help reduce the risk of conditions like obesity, type two diabetes, heart disease, stroke and even certain cancers. It also improves your heart rate and circulation, muscle strength and bone strength, among other benefits.

You can catch up with friends or family

Walking doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. Book a walk with a friend and get the chance to chat as you go. As Easyhike notes, walking together can keep you in touch in a way that endless promises to meet for coffee never do. If you’re a parent, walking with kids can be extra rewarding – little ones will shoot off ahead and keep you on your toes catching up, whereas older ones enjoy the chance for some undivided attention while you stroll. Plus, if you’re in a couple, a wander at the beach or some other scenic location can be a great way to spend some quality time with your partner.

It burns off stress

A good walk won’t only burn calories, it should allow you to let off some steam and de-stress, too. There’s something about the mixture of fresh air, gentle physical activity, and some music or a podcast in your ears that helps lower your blood pressure and give you fresh perspective, Health Navigator says.

It might help your creativity

If you’ve been puzzling over a work problem for a while and can’t find the solution, a walk could be your answer. Research has shown that walking increases your creative output – potentially by up to 60 per cent. That’s probably because walking doesn’t require us to think very much, so our brains are freed up to do other things. It doesn’t seem to matter whether you’re walking outdoors or on a treadmill, so even a rainy day need not dampen your efforts.

It’ll keep your dog happy

If your dog has been side-eyeing you and silently judging your sedentary lifestyle, scheduling a regular walk is a chance to help both of you stay fit and well.

Wondering where to start? 

You can find walks anywhere – around your block, to your local park, along the beach… If you’re hoping for something a bit more adventurous, there are wonderful hikes all around the country, from the Tongariro Crossing to Abel Tasman National Park. You could even try some of Te Araroa, the 3000km track from Cape Reinga to Bluff.

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Disclaimer: Please note that the content provided in this article is intended as an overview and as general information only. While care is taken to ensure accuracy and reliability, the information provided is subject to continuous change and may not reflect current developments or address your situation. Before making any decisions based on the information provided in this article, please use your discretion and seek independent guidance.